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When...I Love You

I feel different every day and so it helps if I hear you say 
I love you. I love you. 
You are beautiful today. 

And when I cry it helps when you hold me close 
I’m so sorry you are feeling sad. 
Remember crying does not make you bad. 
I love you. I love you. 
I’m so glad that you are mine. 

And when I laugh and you laugh too 
My joy is magnified by you. 
And when your words make me laugh along, 
I often feel like a happy song. 
I love you. I love you. 
Your smile helps me to find mine too. 

And when your life feels weighted down, 
And all you want to do is frown and be alone.
It helps if you come seek me out 
Just wanting me to be with you – alone, and quiet. 
Together.  United as you seek relief in your own way. 

As you walk by the place I am, 
I love when you reach out your hand and touch me softly 
To let me know that I am seen. 
This lets me know that you seek me, 
No matter where,
And that you care. 

When we walk together into a room, 
and I feel your hand on the small of my back, 
I close my eyes with pleasure, 
Feeling secure that you are there. With me. 
And that you claim me as yours. 

I make many mistakes and some hurt you, 
but I hope I say I’m sorry too! 
Then I hope to hear you say, 
I love you, I love you. 
I love you more each day 
And am really thankful you choose to stay. 

When you say I am sorry when you don’t get it right, 
I hear “I love you with all my might. 
You are Precious to me. 
My treasure. 
I love you.”


 Written for a friend

May 2018 in Salt Lake City


Grief can be so heavy
And so hard to bear
That it's odd when others
Cannot see it there.
Sometimes grief sinks down so deep
We think it's there to stay.
We wonder if we will
Be glad again one day.
Our loved ones are remembered,
And we miss them so.
We often feel hollow inside
No matter where we go.

Then one day through the darkness
A little light gets in.
And a little joy peaks through.
It will come again!
It goes away, then comes again
More quickly every day.
And you start to feel that peace
Until it's there to stay.
Our loved ones are remembered
And we miss them so,
But we carry happy memories
Everywhere we go.

And things they did that hurt us,
Or pains from long ago,
Are calmed by our dear Savior
Loving you more than you know.
And if some pain or sorrow
Rise up now and then.
You can pray to Father
And peace will come again.

The World Is Against Me?

The world is against me.  How do I know?
As I walked down the sidewalk I stubbed my toe.
Then I tripped on a branch.  Fell.  And skinned my knee.
And to top it all off I got stung by a bee!

I yelled really loudly and started to cry
And, of course, that is when a man walked by.
I was so embarrassed my face turned red
And I started to wish I had stayed in bed.

But I took a deep breath and wiped my face
And walked down the road at a slower pace.
The world is against me? No.  It's alright.
Things could be seen in a different light.

As I walked down the sidewalk I stubbed my toe
Which, just for a while, had me walking slow.
So when I got to the corner I saw a friend
Who when she saw me really grinned.

We had not talked in a few years,
And seeing her brought happy tears.
As I went on my way my eyes were wet
From seeing a friend I was glad I had met.

I did not see the branch that made me trip.
And I did skin my knee (but I didn't flip!).
And while on the ground I saw a flower
Growing up through the sidewalk -- amazing power!

I plucked it so I'd have a bit of Spring
To carry with me.  A happy thing!
Then I sniffed that flower, while failing to see
That right on the flower was a stinging bee!

I yelled in frustration and started to cry
And that is just when the man walked by.
I was embarrassed and turned really red
And I really did wish to be back in bed.

I wish I could say the man saved the day
But he really just chuckled and walked away.
I could see just enough to glare at his back.
Which was carrying on it a big back pack.

I happened to be headed the same way as him
And as I looked at the pack I started to grin.
For there on the top was a stinging bee
Looking just like the one that had gotten me.

Should I warn him or not?  I'll let you decide.
I just saw a friend I can ask for a ride.
The world is against me?  Maybe it's true.
Or maybe there are ups and downs in all we do.

We Go

I didn't know what to name the poem, or what poem worked with it
and so here is a random deer:-)

I smile, but the tears come
I laugh, though I'm blue
I cry, when I sit here
Thinking of you.

I walk, in the sunlight
I sit, in the dark
I hide, in the shadows
Inside my heart

Time passes, though slowly
It goes, yet it stays
My dreams, they don't help me
Through these long days

It's hard, when hard times come
It's good, when they don't
We live, and our life goes
Problems, they won't

We go, oft together
We go, times apart
We go, and I love you
With all my heart.


Photo by Carlos Magno on Unsplash

We reach up toward heaven
Every time we go to pray.
We try to gain an inner peace
To take with us each day.

We pray.  We speak to Father
Giving thanks for blessings giv'n.
We pray to reach an inner peace
That comes when we're forgiven.

And if we pray then we will know
The calming of His voice
That reaches down to speak to us
That tells us we are choice.

We'll find that we are comforted
When the going is not smooth.
We'll find He's understanding
Of our every thought and mood.

He'll teach us to be better
Than we otherwise would be.
He'll give us strength to carry on.
He'll help us clearly see

That praying brings us inner peace
That nothing else can bring.
It helps us to be better
In every little thing.

When we don't take the time to pray
We move steadily away
From peace and love that we can find
When we kneel down to pray.

My Savior

This was taken at the home show on June 7, 2024 at the end of
my radiation treatments.

My Savior comforts me when I'm afraid.
And though it seems sometimes that He is very far away
I trust that He is close, holding me up day by day.

And when the storm beats down, He's not asleep.
He holds His hand outstretched to me when the path is steep.
And keeps His watch as giant waves come crashing from the deep.

And when I feel so sad and all alone
I think of His great love and all He did so I could come home.
I know that He's with me no matter how far I may roam.

I feel His peace around me when I'm still,
And ask for strength and courage to trust Him and do His will.
He helps me to hold on through any sorrow that I feel.

And when I fail again He won't condemn.
He'll pick me up and help me so that I can start again.
My Savior knows my sorrow and the guilt or pain I'm in.

So when I do not know which way to go
I take a step toward Him and His light makes my path glow.
I know there's hope because there is no path that He won't know.

My Savior comforts me when I'm afraid
And I give thanks to Him while on this world that He has made
And trust in Him to guide me through the path that He has laid.

I thank Him for the beauty all around
The wonder and the happiness in every joyful sound.
I thank Him for the good and lovely things that here abound.

But most of all I thank Him for His love
For wanting me despite my faults to live with Him above
In His kingdom filled with joy, happiness and love.

**This song was written February 12, 2024 just after I was diagnosed with breast cancer. (DCIS)

Hola My Friend

Photo by Ty Downs on Unsplash

Hola my friend, let's take a trip to Mexico together,
And we will sit upon the sand and enjoy the sunny weather.
I'll buy a sombrero so I can fit in,
And you can eat fish while I go for a swim.
Then we'll sit side by side at the sea.
What a happy day that will be.

Hola my friend, while in Mexico we will have a fun fiesta.
We will dance around my sombrero and then take a siesta.
We'll dance and we'll sing and we'll have lots of fun,
Then you can eat fish while I go for a run.
Then we'll sit side by side at the sea.
What a happy day that will be.

Hola my friend, let's meet new people and eat Mexican food.
And they will hug us and ask us to stay and enjoy the happy mood.
Our new friends will smile as we speak espanol,
And you can eat fish, while I go take a stroll.
Then we'll sit side by side at the sea.
You, all our new friends, and me.

Adios my friend, we've had such fun in Mexico together,
With dancing and singing with our new amigos in the sunny weather.
We'll take my sombrero, and some shells just for me,
And you can eat fish while I climb up a tree.
We will one day come back to the sea.
What a happy day that will be.