I like to imagine where I was that night
When the new star came that shone so bright.
Could I see the shepherds when the angel said
They'd find Jesus in a manger bed?
Did I raise my voice with those who sang with great delight,
And praise Him with my voice and heart all throughout the night?
Did I follow shepherds to where the baby lay,
And kneel with those who worshiped Him that day?
Did I cry for those who could not see His grace?
Did tears stream down my cheeks as I gazed upon His face?
Did I weep for the sins I knew He'd bear for me?
Did I pray that while on earth I'd have eyes to see,
The beauty of the gift that was born on Christmas day,
The beauty of our Savior come to show us all the way?
Did I thank the Father for giving us His Son;
For loving us so dearly that He sent the Perfect One?
Christ bears all our sorrows, our pain and grief and sin,
And I like to imagine what I did back then,
On the Christmas morning, when joy came to the Earth
And multitudes of angels sang hosanna at His birth.