Satan is waging a battle
Against the souls of men.
Bar the door with the Iron Rod
And do not let him in.
He wants us to be so busy,
So frantic every day,
That we forget to take the time
To get on our knees and pray.
He fights a vicious warfare,
Our fathers he would take.
He wants them to focus on things
That would cause their souls to break.
He will not stop at fathers,
He wants the mothers too.
He'll try hard to distract them
From the good that they could do.
The children are included
In his all-out evil war.
He keeps them entertained
So they won't fight him anymore.
But we have a friend in battle.
Our Captain's at the helm.
He'll lead us on to victory yet.
Satan cannot overwhelm.
We'll bar the door with the Iron Rod.
We'll bow on our knees to pray.
We'll turn to our Savior in time of need,
And we will win the day.
By Sherie Christensen