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 Written for a friend

May 2018 in Salt Lake City


Grief can be so heavy
And so hard to bear
That it's odd when others
Cannot see it there.
Sometimes grief sinks down so deep
We think it's there to stay.
We wonder if we will
Be glad again one day.
Our loved ones are remembered,
And we miss them so.
We often feel hollow inside
No matter where we go.

Then one day through the darkness
A little light gets in.
And a little joy peaks through.
It will come again!
It goes away, then comes again
More quickly every day.
And you start to feel that peace
Until it's there to stay.
Our loved ones are remembered
And we miss them so,
But we carry happy memories
Everywhere we go.

And things they did that hurt us,
Or pains from long ago,
Are calmed by our dear Savior
Loving you more than you know.
And if some pain or sorrow
Rise up now and then.
You can pray to Father
And peace will come again.